The Strategy is ultimately the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board, however responsibility for oversight of the delivery of the strategy is discharged to the Nottingham City Place-Based Partnership (PBP). This is broad ‘place-based’ partnership covering both core providers of health and care services in the City, including GPs, social care, community services and hospitals, as well as wider services provided by the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector.
All partners of the Nottingham City PBP have a key role to play in supporting the health and wellbeing of citizens, working together to provide care and support to the people of Nottingham City, regardless of background, circumstances or where people live in the city.
Partners recognise that if we are to achieve our ambition to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities of the population of Nottingham, we need to share our collective resource and act as one voice.
To find out more about the Nottingham City PBP you can visit their website here.
The PBP is responsible for driving forward the delivery of the Strategy on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board. It will build on its tried and tested programme approach to ensure the successful delivery of the outcomes set out in this Strategy. There are four programmes, one to deliver each of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities.
Partnership Approach to Delivery
Programmes are led by designated programme leads from City PBP partner organisations, supported by programme teams made up of members from partner organisations to ensure delivery through an inclusive partnership approach.
Each programme also has an executive sponsor from the PBP Executive Board (see below). The executive sponsor is typically not from the same organisation, supporting an integrated partnership approach.
Delivery plans will be developed for each of the programmes in line with the delivery principles (see below). Each programme has a clear set of objectives and outcomes which are jointly owned by partners with accountability for delivery shared between partners.
Delivery Principles
Since the formation of the PBP, partners have tested different ways of working and through the delivery of dedicated programmes, key delivery principles have been established.